Client Reviews

Appleton Greene Reviews – Achievements

Appleton Greene Reviews


Appleton Greene Reviews – Oracle Corp Malaysia applications consulting division has achieved better project risk management where senior management also benefits from knowledge of the risks associated with proposed projects through identification of areas of redundancy and inefficiency which allows financial and human capital to be allocated more effectively. Oracle improved its operational effectiveness, where the net effect of all the activities above means governance, risk and compliance activities are directed to the appropriate people and departments. Decision-making by the pre-sales support team improved drastically after applying the knowledge of the risks involved in a project. The knowledge gained from the training and coaching had improved their assessment of contingencies that actually reflect the risks and that also tend to discourage the acceptance of financially unsound projects. The overall performance with a reduction in costs had contributed to the overall return on investment gains represented by effective governance and risk compliance activities. Appleton Greene Reviews

Appleton Greene Reviews


IBM Malaysia professional services division has achieved improvement in risk assessment, an increased understanding of the project risks which in turn leads to the formulation of more realistic plans in terms of both cost estimates and project delivery schedule. One of the remarkable achievement is the higher quality information, this is achieved through integrating governance and risk information that allows management to make intelligent decisions more accurately and rapidly. Incorporating risk management the important function of project governance had provided the project team with a framework for accurate budgeting, where the cost of all expenses including allocation for contingencies associated with project risks can be easily accounted for, hence reduce unnecessary wastage during the budgeting process. Higher quality information was achieved through integrating governance and risk information that allows management to make intelligent decisions more rapidly. Statistical information, contribute to the build-up of historical information of risks that will assist in the modeling of future projects.Appleton Greene Reviews

Appleton Greene Reviews

Hewlett Packard

Hewlett Packard outsourcing services division had achieved higher quality information through integration of governance and risk information that allows management to make intelligent decisions more rapidly. Disaster recovery services is a risky business. Disaster recovery that represents one of the business portfolios of HP outsourcing services comprised of a number of business processes where these are delivered to the customer in the form of a service. Each service process carries a risk, they are minimized through process optimization. The non-value-added activities are eliminated and value-added activities are streamlined to reduce lag time and undesirable variation where these risks are reduced significantly. Lower costs contribute to the overall return on investment gains represented by effective governance and risk compliance activities. Improved risk assessment, an increased understanding of the risk impacting the disaster recovery services which in turn leads to the formulation of more realistic service delivery plans in terms of both cost estimates and project schedule. Appleton Greene Reviews

Appleton Greene Reviews

RHB Bank

RHB Bank IT division has achieved significant benefits from the application of risk management processes in their IT transformation projects, one of which was the contact center and electronic banking services project. Opportunities exist to transform governance, risk and compliance program to realize cost savings and improve mission and business performance. RHB Bank IT have achieved successful results by focusing on shifting risk management focus to a cross–functional approach aligned to strategic risks and business performance measures. RHB Bank focuses on standardizing governance risk and compliance processes to enhance decision making and avoid unnecessary costs. They also embraced governance risk and compliance technology to execute processes effectively and efficiently. Improved effectiveness, where the net effect of all the activities above means governance, risk and compliance activities are directed to the appropriate people and departments. RHB Bank achieved cost reduction in internal and external risk activities, including monitoring and remediation. A significant reduction in disruption to the business and improvement in business performance and innovation via value–based risk management. Appleton Greene Reviews

Appleton Greene Reviews


CIMB Bank achieved significant benefits from the implementation of program risk management. Program risk management has brought a positive impact to the bank with a number of benefits, including reduced contingency budgets, the ability to focus resources on top risks for the program and not just for individual projects, identifying inconsistencies, identifying systemic risks, and, last but not least, cost savings by mitigating risks at program level. The assessment of project risk to determine its viability and the cost of risks were easily known via this tool that had facilitated the IT project team in managing and controlling the project expenditure, reducing wastage and increase accuracy in the budgeting process. By implementing risk management processes in the information technology division, CIMB Bank achieved success by minimizing and eliminating negative risks so projects can be completed on time. This enables the bank to meet its budget and fulfill its targeted objectives. Formerly without the risk management strategies in place, projects get exposed to problems and become vulnerable. Effective risk management strategies helped the bank to maximize profits and minimize expenses on activities that do not produce a return on investment. Appleton Greene Reviews

More detailed achievements, references and testimonials are confidentially available to clients upon request.

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